A Free Introduction to My Course "On Game Theory Strategies ”
Part of my Personal Growth Series of Inexpensive Self-Guided Courses
This course is designed to give you the intuitive, intellectual, emotional, and strategic tools for winning the game of life
The Course is an integrated 52-week program that features a customized playbook to help you navigate any challenging circumstance you may encounter. It organizes essential information in an easy-to-access format and is supported if needed, by comprehensive mentoring and life coaching (as an upgrade) to help you achieve specific outcomes.
The tuition for this 52 week program is just $5 a month
About The Game Theory Strategies Course
The Course integrates the most important approaches for making strategic choices that will help you to be more:
… and self-aware.
The Game Theory Strategies Course is designed to help you define where you are going, and provide support and answers to get there.
Just as in a sports coach’s playbook, there are lessons and modules designed to address your specific challenges, including:
ending procrastination,
defining your desired outcomes,
and learning the essential tactics, and “life hacks” you will need to have a more intentional, focused, powerful, and meaningful life.
These modules and lessons contain all the pieces and parts that make up a go-to approach for getting things done. The program will help you to become more effective, efficient, and self-aware as you achieve greater success and create a struggle-free life.
Many of us have a dream or vision that has never been fulfilled and don’t know why.
This dream or vision might be connected to success, spirituality, wealth, relationship, or career…yet somehow our dreams got lost along the way. The Game Theory Strategies Course is designed to get you back on track.
The Course includes:
A system that will help you to get back in touch with your authentic self and support you in taking the next steps. It offers motivation, inspiration, information, greater effectiveness, freedom, clarity, spiritual focus, better health, validation, networking resources, tactical hacks, expert advice, and a pathway to greater wealth, freedom, and purpose.
What makes the program one of the most powerful and effective transformation tools available? I will…
o ask you the important questions.
o teach you strong critical thinking skills.
o offer assistance in setting believable and achievable goals.
o help you create a regular and consistent system for self-assessment.
o help you create a process for determining what you want and need.
o exploring the boundaries you need to create to get the desired outcome.
o help you create a system for building a strong personal foundation.
o offer you assessment skills for measuring your progress.
o help you structure guidelines for developing an active game plan.
o help you structure guidelines for all current and long-term goals.
o support you in defining your values, beliefs, and personal style.
o empathize with your personal and business conflicts
o help you make more money and have it grow.
The Course allows you to move at your own pace, and mentoring is offered for up to a year at no additional cost. In the program, you will receive…
If you are ready, The Course can assist you to discern…
where you are on your life journey.
where you want and need to be.
your strengths and weaknesses.
how to access collaborative skills and resources.
a master strategy to get you where you need to go.
the best tactics, life hacks, tools, and an understanding of how to apply them at the right time.
the best way to develop, conserve, and balance your resources so you maximize them with little effort.
How to effectively deal with negative influences, predators, and selfish destructive agents.
The Game Theory Strategies Course offers personalized guidance from start to finish. I hold your hand step-by-step as I share my invaluable tools with you. Over a year, we will explore personal approaches for isolating specific emotional and personal cultural patterns, constraints, obstacles, biases, and values that are likely to shape how you make choices and strategize in dealing with various events and scenarios.
The key to The Course is its ease and simplicity. It takes very little time to learn and apply. Unlike most mentoring programs and personal development courses, it is not focused just on short-term reactive thinking.
Have more fun at work and enjoy the best things in life!
Play more. Stop watching life from the sidelines and get in the game.
Isn’t it time you stopped clumsily flapping your wings and started to soar?
I teach what I have experienced and know.
What makes this course unique is that it combines Harrison’s Applied Game Theory and Strategic Thinking.
Harrison’s Applied Game Theory is the name used to describe rational and intuitive systems that explain why and how individuals and organizations strategize, i.e. make decisions when one person (or more than one other person) might also affect the outcome of the decision.
A Strategy is the name used to describe a plan of action designed to achieve an important goal
Today, Applied Game Theory Strategies have become an umbrella term for thousands of games, puzzles, and real-life problem-solving scenarios. Most of these Game Theory Strategies are common sense and rational approaches to transcending problems, obstacles, and constraints.
This Course on Game Theory Strategies explores many types of human interactions. These interactions may include relationships in business, spirituality, competition, sports, romance, and even interactions with nonhuman players such as computers, animals, and plants.
In our present times, game theory strategies are used in a number of disciplines and can be applied to make individual choices in everyday life.
Every day you need to make decisions, and if you do not understand strategic thinking and do not have the skills to deal with life as a game, you are likely to suffer unnecessarily.
By understanding and applying strategic game theory methods, you are likely to make the best choices.
On an individual level, this way of thinking is essential for those who need to strategize and make decisions, to create maximum benefit at the lowest possible cost.
Today, Applied Game Theory Strategies can help us to frame life as a game and have become a significant method of thinking for the most successful members of society.
In 2020 the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to two scientists who developed new ideas concerning auctions and economic theory.
Using Game Theory Strategies in your daily life is not a complex process and can be applied to solve all types of problems - both simple and complex - even if you haven’t won a Nobel Prize.
In life, we must deal with incompetence, corruption, ignorance, dysfunctional emotionality, and other undesirable elements. To make the world a better place, we must have the ability to strategize over, under, around, and through challenges, obstacles, and extreme problems. For many thought leaders, game theory is the most effective, efficient, and productive way to achieve this end because it is an accurate reflection of nature.
There is barely a situation or problem that can arise for which humans cannot find a solid and rational response using Game Theory Strategies.
The Most Effective People in The World Had To Study With Someone Somewhere! Just look at these names…
Jeff Bezos (Amazon.com), Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg LP co-founder and former New York Mayor), and Taylor Swift.
They all have an understanding of Game Theory Strategies
I have applied my understanding and experiences in using applied game theory strategies in over 30 books I have published with mainstream traditional publishers
Click on the bookcover below to view a partial list of many of my books:
Who created This Self-Improvement Course?
My name is Lewis Harrison, and I created The Game Theory Strategies Course.
What makes this course unique is that it combines Applied Game Theory and Strategic Thinking.
Today, Game Theory Strategies can help us to frame life as a game, and have become a significant method of thinking for the most successful members of society.
In 2020 the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to two scientists who developed new ideas concerning auctions and economic theory.
Using Game Theory Strategies in your daily life is not a complex process and can be applied to solve all types of problems both simple and complex, even if you haven’t won a Nobel Prize. In life, we must deal with incompetence, corruption, ignorance, dysfunctional emotionality, and other undesirable elements. To make the world a better place, we must have the ability to strategize over, under, around, and through challenges, obstacles, and extreme problems. For many thought leaders, game theory is the most effective, efficient, and productive way to achieve this end because it is an accurate reflection of nature.
Since I began coaching and mentoring others back in 1972 I and my peers organized our ideas into what we call Harrison’s Applied Game Theory (HAGT).
There is barely a situation or problem that can arise for which humans cannot find a solid and rational response using Game Theory Strategies.
I am now in my 7th decade and have learned many lessons about creating success, and a meaningful life through Game Theory Strategies.
My Backstory
I was raised in the tough streets of the South Bronx in the 1950s and 1960s.
I had great parents and a strong system of mentors and positive peers, many of whom were pioneers in the formation of Hip Hop culture and are now billionaires.
I was always taught to stay out of trouble, and whenever possible, to bend, or even make up my own rules.
Today, I live a minimalist and simple life, have been happily married for over twenty-five years, and among my many great successes, I have had dozens of books published, and produced and hosted a radio show for close to a decade on an NPR-affiliated station. I spend much of my time helping billionaire philanthropists give away their money. I don’t charge for this service. I just want to pay it all forward. Course with a team of world-class gamer psychologists, athletic coaches, peak performance experts, business strategists, and spiritual teachers.
I have been a best-selling author on self-improvement, a network radio talk show host, and have had an amazing half-century career. I am happily married, with great friends, and a happy and meaningful life with a solid work-life balance. I have been an advisor, consultant, and mentor to politicians, world-class athletes, media personalities, and business leaders. In fact, back in the 1990s, before digital technology took it all to the next level, my clients referred to me as Lewis the Problem Solver.
I created The Game Theory Strategies Course so I could share the Nobel Prize-winning secrets that have been shown to me, and help others find happiness and achieve success.
Lewis Harrison’s teachings are recommended by some of the most acclaimed thought leaders…
“Lewis is amazing… I recommend him to anyone who wants less stress and more energy.”
Jack Canfield – Co-author, “Chicken Soup for the Soul “ books and star of the movie “The Secret”
“Your program was one of the first steps I took in the process of defining my interest in alternative medicine and for that I thank you. It has been over 19 years and I am continually amazed when I look back upon how easily and quickly one step has lead to the next. Thank you for being there to assist in laying the foundations for all my future studies.”
Robee Fian L.Ac – Former President American Association of Oriental Medicine (AAOM)
“Lewis Harrison is a transformational mentor and coach, whose vision and wisdom provide viable roadmaps for his students-this skill is unparalleled anywhere!”
Valerie Leeds – Entrepreneur and former Account Executive at AOL (America Online, Inc.)”
“If your serious about getting ahead don’t pass up a golden opportunity to change your life for the better. I’m still learning and making more money.”
Rudy Curry – Tai Chi Master
The Next Step…
Get world-class training in becoming more effective, efficient, productive, self-aware, and happy
Here is an intro to all of my courses…
Let this course guide you in creating great wealth while helping you fulfill your Life Vision through:
1. Understanding games and how they are structured
2. Exploring options for the most common strategies.
3. Finding the right tools and resources
4. Overcoming unexpected obstacles
5. Making discoveries and insights
6. Achieving winning results
In my career, I have had many successes. During this time I was also the President of the NYC Chapter of the National Speaker’s Association (NSASpeaker.org), and the National Chairperson of the Wellness Experts Groups at NSA.
In 2009 I became a producer and host of a talk show on an NPR (National Public Radio) affiliated station.
Here is a promo for that humor-based interview, and public affairs show…
Today I do most of my presenting through ZOOM Seminars, and by mentoring those who want to get their book published.
I also take on a few coaching clients each year.
But I want to make all this easy for you to get started….
How Do You Sign up Now For The Course on “Game Theory Strategies”
All you need to do to get started is become a paid subscriber at AskLewis.Substack.com.
You will receive your very first lesson within 48 hours
I know you will find great value in this program. As you progress, you may find the need to get some personal mentoring.
I offer a low-cost, content-rich, personalized program. Here is the fee structure for this service.
If you’re interested in working directly with me just drop me an email at LewisCoaches@gmail.com
To learn more about low-cost, private, personalized mentoring/coaching drop me an email at LewisCoaches@gmail.com, and let’s have a conversation.
Who is this Course Designed For?
Anyone who has a passion for communicating ideas through the written word; young people, administrators, physicists, sales professionals, and ordinary individuals who want to live extraordinary more creative lives.
“This course on "How to Finally Get Your Book Published” will bring you the riches of your greatest dream, an impact you never imagined you might have: Experience the life you've always wanted to live. Overcome procrastination. Delete obstacles. Stop flapping your wings and start soaring. Play more. Stop watching life from the sidelines and get in the writing.
About the creator of this course: Lewis Harrison, is a public intellectual and has been mentoring and coaching visionaries, world-class athletes, thought leaders, billionaires, and individuals seeking to become more effective, efficient, productive, and self-aware for over half a century.