What is Ask Lewis?
Please Give Your Financial Support to the Ask Lewis and RealUGuru Projects. These are two projects that are part of a free online and person to person information service
Ask Lewis is the English language free online and person-to person-information service created and managed by myself – Lewis Harrison and a team of unique experts.
I am a futurist, philosopher, best-selling author, seminar leader, and a former radio talk show host at an NPR affiliated station.
The concept of RealUGuru is simply my reminder for my supporters to seize their personal power through knowledge and critical thinking.
On January 1, 1972, I launched the Ask Lewis Problem Solving Project in partnership with the International Association of Healing Professionals (IAHP) an independent mastermind group of Coaches, Wellness Coaches, psychologists, journalists, philosophers, scientists, Holistic Medicine Specialists, and others. Thirty years later I created the RealUGuru Project
I was greatly influenced by the human potential movement of the 1960s and 70’. I really wanted to “make a difference”. Early on I was also influenced by the wellness pioneers John Harvey Kellog MD, John Tilden MD., and visionary thinkers like R. Buckminster Fuller, Helen and Scott Nearing, J. Krishnamurti, Suzuki Roshi, and the various pioneers of game theory.
So here I am fifty years later. Doing what I always dreamt of doing. Every day I go online and spend the next ten hours answering questions, at no charge. The questions are usually sent online to me through my various self-improvement, and strategic thinking groups on Facebook, and through other social media platforms. Now we need to expand. I get many questions from Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the heartland of North America. Many good people are confused and overwhelmed and they need intelligent answers to important questions. With your support, I and my team can continue to provide those answers and expand our research and services even further.
How Do these Projects Get Financial Support?
Ask Lewis and RealUGuru are both financially supported by donations through Patreon and through a Paypal account at IAHP administered by me. You can donate there at Lewisheals@gmail.com.
100% of the money that is donated is used to maintain free information portals across the internet and to offer a diverse collection of public service and philanthropy projects. Ask Lewis also offers coaching and mentoring and various courses in self-improvement, personal development, and the creation of effective, efficient, and productive philanthropic and general life strategies.
Ask Lewis has received praise for its pool of knowledge, the extent of coverage, unique structure, culture, and reduced degree of cognitive bias, ideological bias, and logical fallacy. Whenever possible my answers to questions are based on critical thinking and deductive reasoning.
I also am an advocate for the theories of Thomas Bayes. Bayes worked with whatever information he could gather to estimate the probability that something might or might not be possible, and if possible, how likely is it to happen?
Today Bayes’ approach is used by many scientists and rational thinkers to make fairly accurate predictions. Of course, science is an unfolding process and new data arise every day to change assumptions.
I always keep a look out for my own possible hidden biases and have a keen eye for misinformation and for detecting fake news. I also have access to and use many respected fact-checking links from across the political spectrum. New data, based on breaking medical, scientific, and political news are often accessed as a source of frequently updated information about those events.
When so “called facts” are posted on Facebook and other social media I often and respectfully ask the person who posted them “Please give me some-fact based evidence to support what you are claiming”. Often, they are unable to offer an answer. When this happens, I will post articles containing accurate facts concerning the discredited post.
The Ask Lewis and RealUGuru Problem Solving Projects increasingly rely on donations from readers to continue our important work.
Thanks for your generous support.
You can donate on the right side of the pages that have my life hacking and self-improvement posts at my website: AskLewisHarrison.com/blog.
I also invite you to read, my regular, free, self-improvement, personal development, and life strategy blogs and follow my posts and vlogs throughout the social network at:
My YouTube Channel: The “Asklewis Lewis Harrison” channel, - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY-dKQme7nZPDT2x-FMODsg
Facebook Fan page: Join at https://www.facebook.com/AskLewis/
The Self Improvement for Beginners Group and Forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/455029215769173
Twitter: Follow me there at - https://twitter.com/@askLewisH
Substack articles: Subscribe for free and read my daily “long-form” articles at AskLewis.Substack.com -
Linkedin: Get business tips at - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lewis-harrison-01601040/
Become part of our community at: https://exciting-mover-2586.ck.page/6a672cc4bf
The Free Self-Improvement for Beginners Group and Forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/455029215769173
Mystic Taoism Group and Forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1007277182635973
Our Free Strategic Thinking Group and Forum: Lewis Harrison’s Applied Game Theory - https://www.facebook.com/groups/602287903244843
Please support our work at AskLewis and RealUGuru by donating whatever you can. Just click on the Patreon Button.
To join our volunteers, or to learn more about our many projects feel free to contact me directly at LewisCoaches@gmail.com